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Linslade Lower School

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This section includes the subjects science, computing and design technology.

In key stage 1 and key stage 2 these subjects are taught in accordance with the national curriculum. The skills and knowledge for each subject are taught in carefully planned units that are sometimes linked to the term's topic and sometimes taught separately from it. In the early years the curriculum for the early years foundation stage includes these subjects.





What are we aiming for?

  • To develop the ability to use a range of devices and applications throughout the curriculum

  • To be competent in coding for a variety of purposes within computing lessons and applied within other subjects

  • A basic understanding of how connectivity works

  • The ability to collect, organise and manipulate data effectively.


What do we do?

We teach the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum for key stage 1 and lower key stage 2.


In the early years computing is a part of ‘understanding the world’. There are opportunities to use different devices in order to acquire an understanding of how to operate them and discover what the devices do. Assessment is recorded on development matters and at the end of reception a judgement for ‘understanding the world’ is made. 


In years 1 to 4 computing is taught as a discrete subject, a variety of devices and applications are used throughout the curriculum. A scheme, Rising Stars Computing, is used to ensure that there is consistency and progression from year to year. 



Design Technology



What are we aiming for?

  • To develop an awareness and appreciation of design and designers

  • To master practical skills and techniques in order to design and make products from different materials.

  • To be able to evaluate and improve their work.

  • To be able to use subject specific vocabulary to talk about their work and the work of others


What do we do?

We teach the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum for key stage 1 and lower key stage 2.


In the early years DT is a part of ‘expressive arts and design’. The learning environment is well resourced and supports opportunities for children to explore a range of materials and tools. Staff support and extend children’s learning through modelling and discussion Assessment is recorded on development matters and at the end of reception a judgement for ‘expressive arts and design’ is made. 


In years 1 to 4 DT is taught in cross curricular topics. In order that children can master the knowledge, skills and techniques our curriculum is planned so that they are revisited in different contexts in each year group. Our planning includes opportunities to explore the designs of great designers. 

In years 1 to 4 assessments are recorded against milestones.


As a part of our biennial STEM week we invite members of the community and local businesses into school to assist in projects and help us to understand the role of design in the world of work.






What are we aiming for?

Children who..

  • are able to plan, carry out and evaluate scientific investigations

  • have excellent scientific knowledge and the ability to explain their understanding using scientific vocabulary

  • can question and reflect

  • are curious and enthusiastic about science

  • are aware of science in their everyday lives and new scientific developments


What do we do?

We teach the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum for key stage 1 and lower key stage 2.


In the early years science is a part of ‘understanding the world’. The learning environment is well resourced and supports opportunities for children to explore a range of materials and tools. Staff support and extend children’s learning through modelling and discussion Assessment is recorded on development matters and at the end of reception a judgement for ‘understanding the world’ is made. 


In years 1 to 4 science is taught as a discrete subject or sometimes as the main focus of a topic. Some objectives that are not suited to teaching in a one off unit are taught on a continuous basis for example elements of plants and habitats. In order that children can master the knowledge, skills and techniques our curriculum is planned so that the scientific skills are revisited in each key stage. 

In years 1 to 4 assessments are recorded against milestones.


As a part of our biennial STEM week we invite members of the community and local businesses into school to assist in projects and help us to understand the role of science in the world of work.
