Art and design
Intent What are we aiming for?
Implementation What do we do? We teach the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum for key stage 1 and lower key stage 2. In the early years art and design is a part of ‘expressive arts and design’. The learning environment is well resourced and supports opportunities for children to explore a range of media and tools. Staff support and extend children’s learning through modelling and discussion. There are also planned, teacher led opportunities which focus on particular techniques or artists. Assessment is recorded on development matters and at the end of reception a judgement for ‘expressive arts and design’ is made. In years 1 to 4 art and design is taught in cross curricular topics. In order that children can master the knowledge, skills and techniques our curriculum is planned so that they are revisited in different contexts in each year group. Our planning includes opportunities to explore the art and artists from different disciplines, cultures and time periods. In years 1 to 4 assessments are recorded against milestones. An arts week is planned biennially so that we can have a whole school focus on ‘the arts’ including art. We invite in members of the community with an interest or expertise in art to work with us and also other organisations who can help us to create special pieces of work |
Intent What are we aiming for? Children who:
Implementation What do we do? We teach the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum for key stage 1 and lower key stage 2. In the early years music is a part of ‘expressive arts and design’. The learning environment is well resourced and supports opportunities for children to explore a range resources e.g percussion instruments. There are also planned, teacher led opportunities which focus on particular skills. Children have frequent opportunities to sing and regular opportunities to perform. Assessment is recorded on development matters and at the end of reception a judgement for ‘expressive arts and design’ is made. In years 1 to 4 music is taught as a discrete subject. To ensure continuity and progression and support non-specialists a published scheme is used to teach music. Children also have the opportunity to perform regularly e.g Christmas, Easter, poetry day etc. Children with SEN and disabilities are fully included in the music lessons with adaptions made as needed.
In years 1 to 4 assessments are recorded against milestones. An arts week is planned biennially so that we can have a whole school focus on ‘the arts’ including music. We invite in members of the community with an interest or expertise in music to work with us. From time to time opportunities to explore musical traditions from other countries is planned within our topic. |
Musical Instrument Tuition
As part of our wider curriculum offer peripatetic teachers come into school to teach a range of musical instruments to those children whose parents request it. This is paid for by the parent. We work with Inspiring music to provide this opportunity. Please enquire at inspiring music