Eco week - Tree People
After learning about the ways in which trees are important to our world and the impact of deforestation, we discussed what we could do to help reduce the amount of trees that are cut down. The children came up with the following: Use less paper/don't waste paper, plant a tree in your garden, recycle paper products, reduce the amount of meat we eat and cut down on products that use palm oil. To celebrate trees we gave them personalities by creating tree people using clay and the nature we found around us.
Ancient Egypt Day
The children had a great day and looked fantastic!
We made papyrus paper, played the ancient board game, senet, made clay scarab beetle amulets, made our own paint to paint King Tut's death mask, designed a new God of Learning, made shadufs out of Lego and finished off the day with some ancient Egyptian themed music.
Welcome back to Cherry class!
It was lovely seeing you all today and hearing about all of the exciting things you have been getting up to over the summer holiday. I had a great day, and am looking forward to our learning journey together this year.
Please remember to check out our class page for messages and photos of what we've been getting up to to share with your family.
I have included our class timetable so that you and your family can see what we will be doing each day, and our curriculum overview so that you can see what we will be learning about this year.
Well done on a great first day - the first day back is always the trickiest!
Mr Hogg