Starting School September 2024
Admission number
Our pupil admission number is 30 full time places.
For a part time nursery place:
Parents who wish their child to attend the nursery class should contact the school to put the child’s name on our list. We will write to you in the half term before your child can start. Children join our nursery three times a year: September, January and April. The school allocates places to children. A place in our nursery does not guarantee admission to the reception year.
For a full time place in the reception year:
Children start school full time in the September after their fourth birthday. The local authority allocates places to children. Parents should apply directly to Central Bedfordshire Council.
Children of school age who wish to join the school:
Parents should contact the Central Bedfordshire Council schools admissions team who maintain our waiting lists. If a place is available you will be invited to contact the school.
There is an appeals system for parents who are unsuccessful in obtaining a place for their child, the local authority manage this process and can give you further information.
Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities:
Linslade Lower School is an inclusive school and we have experience of working with pupils who have a range of needs. Our team of staff are trained to support children who need additional help with their learning.
There are ramps and handrails to assist access at a number of points around the school.
Parents of pupils with additional needs are encouraged to visit to discuss their child’s needs and view the facilities we have.
We welcome visits from prospective pupils and their families. This will enable you to see our school in action.
Please contact the school to make an arrangement.