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Linslade Lower School

British Values


Schools are obliged to actively promote British values through the curriculum and other school activities. They should challenge pupils, staff or parents who express opinions contrary to British values.

What are British values?


Ofsted version

DfE version





respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process



the rule of law



respect for the basis on which the law is made and applies in England





support for equality of opportunity for all



individual liberty



support and respect for the liberties of all within the law



mutual respect and tolerance of those with  different faiths and beliefs



respect for and tolerance of different faiths and religious and other beliefs



How do we actively promote British values at Linslade Lower School?


  • Enable children to express opinions and be involved in decision making in our regular circle groups and in surveys.

  • Children contribute to class debates as part of the English curriculum in key stage 2.

  • Children learn about ‘people who help us’ (public services) in the early years curriculum.

  • The PSHE curriculum teaches children strategies for solving perceived injustice peacefully.

Rule of law:

  • Children learn about the school rules and why we have them.

  • They develop their understanding of right and wrong; fair and unfair.

  • They learn that rules help everyone to be safe.

  • A home school agreement is signed by pupils and parents.

Individual liberty:

  • The school ethos and PSHE lessons encourage children to develop their self- knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.

  • Children are given opportunities for responsibilities e.g. classroom monitors, sports leaders, milk / fruit monitor and circle group leader (year 4).

  • Participation in anti-bullying week activities each year.

  • Pupil voice is promoted in our regular circle groups.

Respect and tolerance:

  • The school ethos promotes respect for all.

  • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural curriculum promotes respect for all cultures.

  • Curriculum topics explore a range of other countries and cultures.

  • Visits are made to places of worship.

  • In the RE curriculum children learn about other faiths.

  • Thinking skills and ‘super six learning powers’ encourage reflection and critical thinking. They are taught throughout the curriculum.

  • Similarities and differences between people and families, including those of different faith and ethnicity or with disabilities are discussed throughout the curriculum.

  • Through our value of the half term.


