Welcome to Mulberry Class 2021!
We have already settled well into our new room and the children have shown a mature attitude to year 2 so far! I am looking forward to the term ahead. Our PE day is Thursday, please make sure all PE kit is named. Forest school starts for Mulberry on Monday 20th September - ensure kit is in school please!
Here is how the classroom is looking:
TT Rockstars Challenge is over! Boys beat girls!
However the real star is Alexander!!! Amazing score!
A new battle commences - Boys vs Girls again - but really can anyone beat Alexander?! Try your best!
Times Tables Rockstars Challenge is well under way and so far the boys are winning! But only just! Keep on going as it's not over yet!
Times Tables Rock Stars Challenge!
It is time for the girls to take on the boys in a half term challenge of the times tables! There are fewer girls than boy so this may be considered unfair but we believe they can put up a good challenge.
The battle has commenced and will end at 7pm on Sunday 6th June. The times you can play are between 6am and 7pm each day.
Your log in details were stuck in the front of your reading record book.
Let's get this battle started!
Please can your child bring a lego figure, or similar, to use in our DT work over the next few weeks.
WOW! What a great week.
We have really enjoyed the return of our Magnificent Mulberry Class.
You have all worked your socks off this week and had chance to catch up with your friends. Have a great weekend and a rest. Don't forget to spoil your Mum on Sunday.
See you next week.
Mrs. Tomes-Rolt, Mrs. Hogg and Mrs. Hilson
Dear Marvellous Mulberry Class,
We just NEED to say a great big WELL DONE! to you all for the effort you have put in with your home learning, you are all amazing. We can not wait to see your faces next week and have been excitedly planning some fun activities for you.
See you soon,
keep smiling,
Mrs Tomes-Rolt, Mrs Hogg and Mrs Hilson
Please can you send any photographs of Joey day so we can add them to our class page ASAP ? THANK YOU.
Can you please collect your Australian landmark envelope from school if you have not done so yet? If you have a problem collecting it email me please and I will see what I can do to get it to you.
We did it!
Did you?
Please remember to visit
https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/jo-hogg-1?utm_term=Gja4pmqzw if you were sponsored, or just to see how well we have done.
Tuesday' s zoom preparation
Please can you prepare your whiteboard ready for our zoom meeting?
Just like before you need to draw a bingo board on it. Choose 6 different numbers from 0-30 and add them to your board.
24 | 16 | 0 |
29 | 4 | 19 |
Thank you
Online Reading from home.
As you have seen in the weekly news letter we have signed up for an online reading program. To help you access all it offers I have added the instructions for parents on our class page. Each child has their own username and password which will be emailed to you this week. I have assigned every child the book at the correct reading level.I can see how well you are doing so good luck and keep reading!
Zoom slides
I was asked by a parent to add any slides I use during the zoom lessons to our class page. Tghank you for the suggestion and I will add them this week, i will include past slides too.
Mrs Tomes-Rolt
I am planning to use Oak academy over the next few weeks for some of our topic and maths lessons. Please email me to let me know if you can/can not access Oak academy please.
Thank you.
I will be doing 2 x 30min zoom lessons a week, the first will be Tuesday's at 9.30 and the second on a Thursday at 1.30. Please watch out for your invitation and join me. I will try and remember to let you know exactly what you will need but be ready with your home learning pack from school if I forget. Be kind as I am still learning to use zoom and it will be my first time doing a zoom lesson.
Mrs Tomes-Rolt
All Mulberry staff would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy Christmas and 2021.
See you in January.
Please see below the attached sheet for our class online game.
A letter with a recording sheet will be sent home on Thursday 3rd December so please complete the Mulberry section if you wish to take part in our game!
Please can your child bring a cereal box (or similar) to school as we are making houses for our Fire of London topic.
Thank you.
Please remember it is our Forest School lesson Monday 19th so bring in your wellies and waterproofs.
Also we are making smoothies in Monday so if you have not contributed 50p then please do.
As part of our Food Glorious Food topic, we will be making fruit smoothies next week. It would be greatly appreciated if you could send in 50p towards the cost of ingredients.
Many thanks,
Mrs Hogg and Mrs Tomes-Rolt
Hope you are all enjoying a wet weekend!
In the children's reading record (monkey) book there are some passwords for Numbots, Times Tables Rockstar and EdShed.
I can see some children have already tried times tables - well done!
We have set them up so that in the GARAGE section of the times tables rockstars, the children just have the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and divisions. This is what we want them to be practicing please.
EdShed spelling lists will be set up next week and we will let you know on next weeks homework which one we would like you to do.
Please remember we have forest schools on Monday 5th October and your child can only take part if they have waterproofs and wellies.
Thank you to those who attended the 'Meet the Teacher' zoom meeting this afternoon.
The powerpoint is below for your information.
Mulberry Zoom Meeting
Meet the Teacher
A zoom meeting has been arranged with the class teachers. They will explain the expectations and routines for the year.
Please see the invite below, we hope you can join us.
Topic: Mulberry Class Meet the Teacher
Time: Sep 23, 2020 02:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 938 548 0007
Passcode: 4r9Xr9
The current Year 2 topic is 'Food Glorious Food'
Attached is the topic overview.
Each week we will put the homework bulletin on here for you to see some things that we have been learning at school and what you can do at home to help consolidate your child's learning.
Please read books at home with your child, practise some spellings and complete some maths tasks throughout each week.
Many thanks,
Mrs Hogg and Mrs Tomes-Rolt
Please make sure your child's PE kit is in School tomorrow- Wednesday. It will then stay in school until half term.
Many thanks
Welcome Mulberry Class!
We hope you've had a lovely summer holiday and are looking forward to starting Year 2.
The classroom is set up all ready for you and is looking very bright and colourful, with bags and pencil pots ready!
Our PE lesson will be on a Wednesday afternoon so please be sure to bring your PE kit in and leave it in school all half term. Keep your waterproofs at home until we have further news on when this will be needed.
We will be providing information via this class page so please make sure you look at it regularly.
Mrs Hogg is looking forward to greeting you with a smile on Monday morning! Mrs Tomes-Rolt has a longer wait but can't wait to see you on Wednesday morning.
Don't forget to bring your smiles with you too!