Autumn Term 1
Our topic is:
Me, my family and my friends
Dear Parents
Welcome to the beginning of the Autumn term. We hope that you all had a wonderful summer break and enjoyed the sunny days!
This is a very exciting term. The Early Years staff are looking forward to getting to know your children and to welcome back the children who have already started their learning journey in Holly Class, our Nursery.
The Early Years Team work together to provide all the children with exciting learning opportunities, making it a relevant and enjoyable experience for all our learners. We communicate with families weekly, through messages in the children’s home-school link books and have an open door policy, where we are happy to speak to parents.
This half term Early Years children will be focusing on learning linked to the theme; ‘Me, My Family and My Friends!’ Learning opportunities are both teacher directed and child initiated, where play is encouraged in order to develop valuable learning. The Prime areas of learning are particularly important as children need to secure their social skills, language and communication and physical skills, as a basis for all learning. We will be supporting the children in settling in with new routines and expectations.
The children will be taught to recognise the ‘Super Six Learning Powers’ these are; Commitment, Collaboration, Creativity, Determination, Resourcefulness and Reflection to aid successful learning.
Please speak to a member of the team if you have any questions or information that is important regarding your child. In the meantime we hope that you and your child have a very happy and enjoyable year at Linslade Lower Early Years.
From the EYFS Team
Summer term 1
Our topic is:
Our Wonderful World
Spring Term 2
Our topic is:
People who help us.
Spring term 1
Our topic is:
Brilliant Books
Autumn term 2:
Festivals and celebrations
Dear Parents and Children,
We hope that you have all had a great half term holiday. It is an exciting and busy time of year in Early Years. Your children will be investigating seasonal changes and learning about a variety of cultural traditions, festivals and celebrations.
This half term we will be learning about festivals of light such as Diwali and Bonfire Night. We will also continue to have many opportunities to talk about special events in our own lives. We will explore our lovely school grounds by going on an Autumn walk. We will read the story ‘Leaf Man’ and look at a variety of non-fiction books about Autumn time. We will learn about the First Christmas and enjoy sharing lots of Christmas themed stories such as; ‘Stick Man’ and ‘Dear Santa’. We will be writing our own Christmas lists, card and letters to Father Christmas.
Reception children will share their ‘Book time’ book; ‘Kitchen Disco’ together and take part in a number of exciting activities at school to help the story to come ‘alive’, in order to capture their interest, enthusiasm and imagination. Children in Reception will explore fruit and vegetables further during some ‘cooking’ opportunities.
At school learning takes place both inside and outside so please ensure that your child comes dressed with a named sweatshirt or cardigan, warm/waterproof coat and suitable footwear.
Please write information in your child’s home-school link books about outings, experiences, interests, questions or comments your child makes and their achievements. The information that you provide can help us plan learning opportunities that will continue to inspire and support your child’s learning and development.
We have introduced the children to the Linslade Lower School SUPER 6 LEARNING POWERS. The children have enjoyed learning about them very much and have already started to compare their own learning styles to these very important life learning skills. The ‘SUPER 6’ at Linslade Lower School are: Determination, Commitment, Creativity, Reflection, Resourcefulness and Collaboration.
We are looking forward to another busy half term continuing your children’s learning journey.
The Early Years Team