The Use and Impact of Sports Premium at Linslade Lower School
General Information: What is the Sports Premium?
The Government has allocated funding for the academic year to improve the quality of provision of physical education and sport in primary schools for all of our pupils. The funding is ring fenced which means that it can only be spent on PE and sport provision in school.
We are held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils progress and participation in PE and school sport. We are required to publish on-line information about how we have used the additional funding, including details about our sporting provision alongside curriculum details. This will ensure that parents/carers and others are made fully aware of the PE and sporting provision at Linslade Lower School.
Purpose of funding
Schools can only spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this. Possible uses for the funding include: hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches, paying for professional development opportunities for sport, running sport competitions, or increasing participation in school games, purchasing sports resources & equipment, providing places for pupils on after school sport clubs and holiday clubs.
The Governors agree that the funding must be used so that:
all children benefit regardless of sporting ability;
all children have the opportunity to compete in competitions at some level;
the most able children are given the opportunity to participate in high level competitions;
staff have access to training opportunities and continued professional development.
For Academic Year 2024/25:
Sports Premium £17,150 (estimate)
£11,625 TFG clubs and coaching
£3,900 LLSSP
£950 staff cover to attend competitions
£675 Purchase equipment to enable the teaching of skills required for the competition events
At Linslade Lower School we will spend the money by-
Membership of the Leighton Linslade Sports Partnership.
Engaging more pupils through running new or additional school clubs.
Hiring qualified sports coaches to teach alongside classes teachers.
Increasing the amount of competitive sport in which our children participate- running sport competitions in school and increasing participation in inter school competitions in the Leighton Linslade area.
Investing in professional development of staff at Linslade Lowers School so they are best equipped to teach high quality PE.This will include providing cover to release staff for professional development in sport and PE.
Making links with other community sports providers and encouraging pupils to join out of school clubs.
Encourage our children to improve their leadership through sport by taking part in Young Leaders initiative
Purchasing equipment to offer access to new sports and physical activities as relevant.
We will evaluate the impact of the Sports Premium funding as part of our normal self-evaluation and provision mapping arrangements. We will look at how well we use our Sport Premium to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sporting provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
Measuring the impact of the activities provided with sports premium funding can be achieved in different ways. We will look at areas of development such as self-esteem, confidence and the numbers of pupils involved in sporting activities in and out of school. Assessments are made both formally and informally using our school assessment systems as well as feedback from staff and visitors to the school. We will also evaluate the impact of professional development opportunities in improving teaching and learning in PE. It is anticipated that at the end of the academic year we will have some hard data to show the impact of this sports premium funding on pupil progress and involvement in sport.