School starts at 8.45pm until 3.30pm. School is open for 33.45 hours per week.
It is expected that children will attend on time everyday unless they are ill. This gives them the best possible chance to make the most of their learning. Good attendance also develops good habits for adult life.
The Headteacher monitors attendance regularly. If there is a pattern of absence or frequent absence the Headteacher will meet with the parents to discuss the reasons why and set targets for improvement. If frequent absence continues we may take further action; this may include a referral to the Local Authority school attendance officer.
School attendance figures have to be reported to the Government each term.
Obviously children who are unwell need to be kept a home. We need to be informed of the reason for absence by telephone on the first day of absence.
Appointments should be made outside of school time wherever possible. We must be informed in advance if a child will miss school because of an appointment and we need to see the appointment card / letter.
Government regulations prevent Headteachers from agreeing to holidays in term time unless there are very exceptional circumstances.