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Linslade Lower School

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The Full Governing Board meet together every half term.  The Finance Committee, which has its own Terms of Reference, also meet every half term.  They usually meet the week before the Full Governing Board to consider budget implications and report on these at the next meeting.  The Pay Committee meets when pay decisions are required and other committees are convened if necessary. 


We also have pairs of governors who meet with the Headteacher and other staff on a regular basis to discuss- Health and Safety, Progress and Attainment, Safeguarding, EYFS and a Responsible Officer position.  The findings from these meetings are shared with the governors in the form of a report with action points to consider.  The governors take part in a Buildings and Ground Walk and a Learning Walk once a year.


The timings for these meetings is worked out on the Governors' Work Plan to ensure even coverage through the year.


The Governing Body is representative of the community it serves.

Register of Business Interests and Governor Meeting Attendance

Governor Diversity

We gather data on the diversity of our governors, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. We will use that data to inform recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Governor Diversity Information

Local Area Diversity Information

No employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or increments of £10,000.