Intent What are we aiming for?
Implementation What do we do? We teach the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum for key stage 1 and lower key stage 2. In the early years reading is part of the specific area’ literacy’. Early reading skills are developed through sharing high quality children’s literature on a daily basis. There are opportunities to revisit books, join in with stories and role play. The teaching of phonics begins in nursery with the introduction of Jolly Phonics. Phonics teaching continues with Jolly Phonics through reception. Good links with home are established and information and advice about how parents can help at home is provided. Once children can blend sounds to read words they begin on a structured reading scheme that matches the phonics phase they have reached. Classes have well-resourced book boxes for child initiated reading. Listening to stories continues throughout reception. Assessment is recorded on development matters and at the end of reception a judgement for ‘literacy’ is made. In key stage 1 children continue to progress on the colour coded reading scheme and are gradually introduced to texts from a wider range of schemes. In guided reading ‘real books’ are used for the majority of teaching. Texts linked to other curriculum areas and themes are used. Stories continue to be read to children. Stories will often be the stimulus for writing. Reading intervention is provided for those who require it. Phonics continues to be taught according to the letters and sounds phases. Progress is carefully monitored with regular assessments. Intervention is provided where required. In lower key stage 2 children continue with a colour coded scheme for home reading books. In guided reading they read form high quality texts matched to their interests and age group. Those children who still lack fluency receive intervention, including phonics where needed. Books to match their age and reading level are available to choose. Stories are used as a stimulus for writing and are matched to themes and other subjects where possible. Children continue to be read to.
How We Teach Reading Children from Year 1 onwards have weekly Whole Class Reading Sessions. During these sessions the children are taught the skills of reading using a shared text that they read together. The teacher selects a high-quality piece of literature to challenge all pupils at level beyond that at which they can read independently, this can be linked to a topic to benefit other areas of the curriculum. The learning objective is the same for all pupils. The teacher reads the text to the class, modelling fluency, intonation and comprehension. The through skilful questioning the link is made to vocabulary and understanding of the text. The children then take part in activities based on what they have read. This can be done in pairs, individually or in groups, etc. |
Intent What are we aiming for?
Implementation What do we do? We teach the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum for key stage 1 and lower key stage 2. In the early years writing is part of the specific area’ literacy’, the essential motor skills are included in the prime area ‘physical development’. Early writing skills are developed through carefully planned activities that enable children to engage in mark making. In nursery adults model writing including correct letter formation. Children begin to write their name using correct letter formation for which we follow the Penpals scheme. In reception children continue to follow the scheme and develop more accurate formation. Writing is linked to their growing knowledge of phonics that enables them to write words, sentences and short paragraphs. Accurate punctuation is encouraged form the start. Teachers continue to model writing. Writing is linked to stories they have heard, events they have taken part in and matters that interest them. There are opportunities for child initiated writing. Assessment is recorded on development matters and at the end of reception a judgement for ‘literacy’ is made. In key stage 1 and lower key stage 2 carefully planned units of work ensure that children develop the skills to write a variety of genres for different purposes. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are taught both discretely and linked to the writing unit. Writing units are often linked to shared texts, events or the wider curriculum. Handwriting continues to be taught according to the Penpals scheme and in lower key stage 2 children work towards their pen licence. An app for spelling is available to all children to practice the spellings they need to learn. Intervention for spelling, handwriting and phonics is provided to those children who need it. Parents are informed about the focus for writing in the weekly curriculum bulletin. |