Welcome Back!
It was lovely seeing the new Cherry Class back at school last week. They have been getting used to the new routines and learning about their classroom responsibilities. Everyone has been given a role to help make the school day run smoothly.
This week will run like a normal week so that the children get an understanding of their new weekly timetable. I will post our Autumn timetable below so that you can see what we will be getting up to. Watch this space in the coming days for our Autumn term curriculum leaflet which will give you an overview of what will be covered over the first term.
The children were very excited to see our new reading corner, and have voted to have each table enjoy some time in there one morning a week.
I will try to keep our Class page updated with photos of our learning for you to enjoy over the coming terms.
Mr Hogg
2020/2021 Content Below
Thursday 4th March is World Book Day. To celebrate we would like the children to complete the following tasks.
1. Come to your class' 2nd zoom meeting as a character from a book (It does not need to be a favourite character from a favourite book.). We don't want you to buy anything new - look at the clothes you have in your house and be as resourceful and imaginative as you like. It will be easier to choose a character based on the resources you have rather than trying to find the clothes for a specific character. Please don't worry - it can be as simple as a paper mask that you make. (Teachers will be doing the same so that we can all have some... fun!)
2. Guess My Book - We'd like you to send us a photo of clues you have gathered/made for others to try and guess your favourite book. Clues can be items from around your home, pictures you draw, models you make, items of clothing or anything else you think of. For example: For the book - The Tiger Who Came to Tea - You might have a toy tiger, a tea pot from the kitchen, a drawing of a can of beer (Daddy's beer that he drank)etc. Do not write the title of the book. Please take one photo of your clues and send them to your class teacher by Tuesday 2nd March so that we can put them onto the school website on World Book Day for others to try and guess your book.
3. Extreme read - Who can find the most obscure, bizarre, creative, unusual position or place to read a book? Send us a photo by Tuesday 2nd March for us to share on the website on World Book Day *Please don't do anything dangerous and check with an adult first.
(If your child really doesn't want to dress up or take part in the extreme read task that's fine, we want them to be enjoyable tasks and don't want anyone to feel anxious or worried)
Thursday 28th January 2021
We have introduced 'Rising Star' online reading, this provides books in a digital format, these have been assigned to your child and can be read online at home on any internet- enabled device.
An individual login has been emailed today and a parent and pupil user guide is available on this page.
If there are any teething problems then please contact the class teacher and we will try to resolve them.
Kind regards
KS2 team
We have updated our daily plan with links to some of the most popular websites offering additional Home Learning lessons and activities. The links can be found at the bottom of every daily plan should your circumstances require them.
Dear Families,
We will be using the BEECH class page to display some of the photos of wonderful work sent in to us each week. We will update this every Friday with some of our favourite snaps from across the week.
We will be using the MAPLE class page to display the TT Rock Stars certificates each week. These can then be printed off by the winners at home and kept.
We will continue to use the CHERRY class page to display the home learning activities.
This way we hope to make everything easily accessible.
Kind regards,
The KS2 Team.
Welcome to Cherry Class' Christmas Fair game
Guess the Gift
Guess all of the gifts correctly to make it through to the prize draw!
We are making torches in DT so please can you collect any of the following:
Please hand in to your class teacher by 20.11.20
Thankyou :)
Thank you to all of the families that were able to join me this afternoon for the meet the teacher session. If you were unable to attend, or want to revisit some of the information I shared, I have uploaded the presentation to the class page.
Once again can I say how fantastically well your children have started the year. I have been so impressed with their maturity and enthusiasm to learn. They are a lovely group of children.
I am aware that some children have found it a little more challenging transitioning due to being parted from previous friendships. Please be reassured that we are supporting all the children in the class with building friendships. As the class currently play in a bubble with a member of staff supervising (Mr Hogg / Mrs Worden) we have been able to get a really good idea of how the children are feeling and will support them if and when it's necessary.
If you have any questions, then please email me at cherry@linsladelower.beds.sch.uk
Kind regards,
Mr Hogg