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Linslade Lower School

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A great pyjama day, with our cuddly toys. We had a hot chocolate and a biscuit before cleaning our teeth, a story, lullaby and finally a little sleep.

Sharing our books on World Book Day

Thank you to all our parent helpers today. We had a great visit to the war memorial and the children were praised by members of the public for their fantastic behaviour. Yes we did all manage to be silent for 2 minutes, even Mrs.Tomes-Rolt!

Autumn 2 medium term planning- Festivals and Celebrations

We hope you have a great half-term.  Take a look at the 'Gallery' to see photographs of some of our exciting learning that we have done so far this term.

Please find below the slides from the 'Meet the Teacher' zoom call. Any questions, please ask smiley

Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan

We would like to say a very warm welcome to all our Apple Class families, it was lovely to meet you all and to welcome you back.


We are very happy to be back and to see how well the children have settled in their Early Years learning environment.


The children have enjoyed exploring the indoor and outdoor activities and meeting their classmates.


We are looking forward to working with you all and to our exciting learning journey ahead.


Thank you for your support.


The Early Years Team
