We are looking forward to welcoming your child to our reception class in September 2025.
Each class in the school is named after a tree. Our reception class is called 'Apple Class'.
Take a look at our virtual tour here.
Structure of the day
School starts at 8.50
During the morning there is a snack break with fruit, milk and water provided by the school.
There is no fixed playtime as children get the opportunity to use both the indoor and outdoor learning environment during the day.
Children will engage in both adult led and child initiated learning (see learning section).
Lunch time is at midday. The children eat their lunch in the dining hall and then have time to play outside.
School finishes at 3.25.
Uniform gives a sense of belonging and pride.
Our uniform consists of:
An order form was included in the pack that was sent home or you can order and pay via teacher to parents - if you need a log on for this please contact Mrs Twiggins in the school office.
Before and after school care
The future games provide before and after school care on our premises for those families who need it. They are open from 7.30 am and finish at 6 pm. They will take your child to class when the school day begins and collect them from a class at the end of the school day.
To book before and after school sessions please contact them at kidzzone:
T - Main Office: 01525 591036 (open 9.00am - 6.00pm)
M - Emergency line: 07590 844281 (open 8am - 9.00am)
Other items for school:
Your child will also need
Learning and assessment
The children will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This is the same curriculum used at nurseries, preschools and by child minders. The teacher will put information about what they are learning on the website and in their pink communication book.
Maths and English are taught everyday, this includes the daily phonics session. There are short adult led sessions for the whole group, adult led sessions for small groups and activities that the children initiate themselves.
All other aspects of the curriculum are planned and taught either weekly or as a block in the term. They are also taught as adult led and child initiated activities.
The teachers assess the children through observation and interaction. Careful records are kept. In the Autumn and Spring terms there are learning reviews (parent's evening) at which the teacher and parents can discuss progress. In the summer term an annual report is sent home, this summarises your child's achievements and also informs you whether or not they have met the early learning goals.
Early in the Autumn term we will provide more information about reading and phonics. We use JOLLY PHONICS to teach phonics in this school.
Absence and welfare
Attendance is recorded daily and reported termly.
From time to time children are unwell and unable to come to school.
If your child is not coming to school you must phone the school on the morning of their absence and tell us the reason why.
If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea they must remain away from school for 48hrs from the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.
If your child is taken ill in school we will contact you so that you can collect your child. If you work outside of the local area it is helpful if you have a person locally who could collect in these circumstances. Please ensure your contact details are always up to date so that we can contact you in an emergency.
We have a number of trained first aiders in school. If your child has a minor accident in school they will be attended to and a note will be sent home to inform you.
If your child has a medical condition we may need to complete a care plan. If they need to take medicine in school please speak to someone in the school office.
School Dinners
All children in reception will be entitled to a school dinner – free of charge
Our school meals are cooked on the premises by Hobbs School Catering. Each day the children have a choice of hot meal, plus salad, bread, dessert and fruit. Hobbs are able to provide specialist diets if your child has a medical condition or some other nutritional need.
If you are eligible for ‘free school meals’ please apply to Central Bedfordshire Council as it provides additional school funding.
Most children in reception have a school meal but if your child does not they will need to bring in a healthy packed lunch in a named lunch box.
At lunchtime the children are looked after by a midday supervisor.