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School uniform

LLS Uniform Policy


Uniform gives a sense of belonging and pride. Children at Linslade Lower School wear school uniform.

It consists of:


  • Grey trousers (long or short) or pinafore dress or skirt
  • Pale blue shirt or blouse
  • Plain navy blue cardigan or jumper or sweatshirt
  • White, grey or navy socks or tights
  • Suitable, sturdy shoes with laces or a bar
  • Blue and white gingham check dress for the summer


School sweatshirts with our logo are available from the School Association.


PE kit

PE kit is worn for all PE activities from year 1 onwards. Children in reception begin to wear PE kit from the summer term of their reception year.


The PE kit should be in school every day. It consists of:


  • Navy blue shorts and a pale blue T shirt (available from the School Association)
  • Trainers for outdoor PE
  • A PE bag (available from the School Association)



From year 1 onwards children should be provided with a navy blue art smock (available from the School Association) or a large shirt or apron that covers their clothing.


Children in the nursery or reception will be provided with aprons for messy play.


Swimming kit

Children in key stage 2 go swimming. Parents will be informed when their child requires a swimming kit.


Forest school

We are fortunate to be able to include forest school activities in our curriculum from year 1 to 4. Your child will need a waterproof coat, waterproof trousers and wellingtons for these activities.


Please remember to name all of your child’s clothing and check regularly that names haven’t washed away. This means we can re-unite your child with lost items.



We discourage the wearing of jewellery for safety and security reasons. We cannot accept responsibility for its loss or any accidents that are caused due to the wearing of jewellery.

The PTA organise and run the Uniform Shop for the school. They actively encourage parents to purchase 2nd hand uniform. All proceeds from the sale of uniform are used to enhance the children's learning and enjoyment.

If you would like more information, have a query or want to place an order, please contact:
