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Linslade Lower School

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School Staff

We have a wide range of staff to enable us to provide a high quality service and meet individual pupil needs. Everyone is committed to the aims of the school and seeks to provide the very best service. It is a requirement that all staff working in school have enhanced criminal records clearance.  None on the school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more or increments of £10,000.



Mrs Hazel Farlam 

Early Years


Mrs S Allen (Nursery and Reception) 

Mrs J Hogg (Nursery)

Mrs S Tomes-Rolt (Nursery and Reception)

Support staff:

Mrs G Draper

Mrs A Lugg

Mrs A Ryan

Miss A Allen

Key Stage 1


Mrs P Storr

Mrs E Corbett

Miss C Stokes

Support staff:

Mrs H Turnbull*

Mrs P Cornford*

Mrs H Lannon

Mrs H Scott

Mrs J Hill

Key Stage 2


Mr R Hogg

Miss C Martin

Support staff:

Mrs K Grice

Mrs C Worden*

Mrs H Lannon

Mrs P Conrford


Mrs J Hogg

Midday supervision:

In addition to * above.

Miss C Meladossi

Clerical Assistant:

Mrs M Perry


Mrs J Devereux

Medical / Welfare:

Mrs A Hilson*

IT Technician:

Mr B Grice

Clerk to Governing Body:


Premises staff:

Mr P Corbett















