Have you seen our new Green Grass Playground?
We are very lucky to have this extra space for the children to play and explore. The children have loved practicing obstacle courses and a variety of sporting skills. They also play collaboratively with the small world and construction toys here.
Traffic Signs
The children had lots of fun exploring the 'Street Fleet resources' playing traffic offices and driving cars, developing an awareness of how and why these are used. They even created some of their own traffic signs.
Parachute Games
Children worked as a team and listened to instructions whilst playing parachute games in the playground.
Easter in EYFS
The children explored lots of Easter activities including singing to an audience at St. Barnabas Church, taking part in Easter egg hunts, arts and crafts and making delicious chocolate nests!
We have been on a wonderful Winter walk around our lovely school grounds.
The children looked at the trees and talked about what they could see. They looked at the changes to the environment.
Our topic theme for this half term is; ‘Brilliant Books’.
We will be looking at a variety of different books including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and Authors and Illustrators including; Martin Waddell, Nick Sharratt and Julia Donaldson.
We would like to invite family members to come into school to read and talk about their favourite children’s story book.
We are looking forward to our 'Welly, Winter walk’ around the school grounds. We will be finding out about how the environment has changed since the Autumn.
Welcome to Early Years at Linslade Lower School. We hope you like the new learning environment that we have created for everyone. The Early Years Teachers have been thinking about what they enjoyed at school...
Mrs Allen liked art and craft.
Mrs Braybrook liked maths.
Mrs Savin liked art and craft.
Miss Skerratt liked wood work.