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Year 4 Homework Bulletin 10.9.21

It was lovely to see you at the meet the teacher tonight. For those who could not attend the sessions, you can access the power point below. In addition, if you would like to watch a recording of the zoom session, head to the 'Video Resource Centre' on the website.


Mrs Boyd



Welcome to Maple Class!!


What a wonderful start to year we've had! In Maple class all the children have settled back into school beautifully. They have been enjoying reading in our new book corner, getting to know each other, catching up with friends on the playground and of course exercising their brains. Well done, I am very proud of you all!


Mrs Boyd 


Summer Term Curriculum Leaflet

Please see Cherry Class Page for all Home Learning activities

Home Learning - Tuesday 5th January

11.12.20 Homework Bulletin

Maple Class

Christmas Virtual Fair Activity

Please see above the attached sheet for our online game.

A letter with a recording sheet will be sent home on Thursday 3rd December so please complete the Maple section if you wish to take part in our game!smiley

Homework Bulletin 20.11.20

We are making torches in DT so please can you collect any of the following:

  • Kitchen roll tubes
  • Pringle tubes
  • Yoghurt pots
  • Plastic drinks bottles
  • Tall juice cartons

Please hand in to your class teacher by 20.11.20 

Thankyou :)

6.11.20 KS2 Homework Bulletin

16.10.20 Homework Bulletin

KS2 Homework Bulletin 9.10.20

Good morning,

I would just like to clarify the reading book routine -

Monday - bring bookbags in with reading books and reading records. Children will change their books and then they will stay in school until Thursday. 

Thursday - bring bookbags into school and I will send home their reading books and records. Keep these at home until Monday. 


However, this week due to a miscommunication, Mr Parker collected in Maple classes reading records and sent only their reading books home. Therefore, I will send the children's reading records home today. Now that their books have been changed this week, there is no need to bring their bookbags in on Thursday. Please bring back their reading books, reading record and bookbag next Monday. 

Sorry for any confusion. 


Mrs Boyd 


Friday 2.10.20 Homework Bulletin

25.9.20 Homework Bulletin

Follow up questions - 

What is the procedure for members of Maple bubble if anyone within the bubble gets a positive Covid-19 test result?


If a child tests positive for Covid-19 the school is required to contact the Department of Education.  They will advise the school what to do depending on the circumstances.  Unfortunately, there is no final answer we can give until we get the results and advice. If you have any further queries, please contact the office via email. 

Meet the Parents Power Point Presentation


Welcome back KS2, here is your homework bulletin for this week!

Hello Maple Class,

I hope you have all had a restful and fun packed summer.

As your new teacher I am extremely excited about welcoming you back to school. In preparation for your return, I have been very busy sorting the classroom, putting up new displays and planning exciting and fun activities for you.

I feel very lucky to be your teacher and can’t wait to fill our days with learning, creativity, laughter, and friendships.

Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you in your shiny new shoes on Monday morning.


Mrs Boyd
