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Assessing Pupil Progress


Assessment is a continual process and is used by teachers to plan the next learning steps for your child. Teachers use observation, evidence from the children’s work and some tests to make their assessments. In years 1 to 4 progress is recorded against Age Related Expectations (ARE).


We monitor the children’s progress very carefully throughout their time with us. Each term the class teacher meets with the Headteacher to discuss the progress made by each child, this ensures we can do our best to meet your child’s needs.


All parents have the opportunity to meet the class teacher at a learning review in the Autumn and Spring terms each year. At these meetings progress and next steps are discussed. In the Summer term parents receive an annual report for their child it will state how well the child has met age related expectations and what their next steps are.


Foundation Stage

In the Foundation Stage an ongoing assessment record is maintained for each pupil. At the start of the academic year all pupils take part in Baseline assessments.  The finding from these are used to inform planning.  At the end of the year practitioners report the final assessment in the annual school report. Outcomes are also reported to the Local Authority and Government.


Year 1

At the end of year 1 a phonics check is carried out with each child on a 1 to 1 basis. The results of this diagnostic check are reported to parents, the Local Authority and Department for Education.  Parents are informed in the annual report.


Year 2

At the end of year 2 teachers assess whether or not each child has met age related expectations in reading, writing, maths and science. These assessments are informed by reviewing the child's work throughout the year. From this year the children not undertake national maths and reading tests.  We will use the outcomes from teacher assessment to inform levels of attainment and progress.  Parents are informed in the annual report.


Year 4
Teachers assess whether or not a child has met age related expectations in all subjects. The assessments for reading, writing and maths are forwarded to the middle school  at the end of year 4. Parents are informed in the annual report.


Meeting Individual Needs

All children make progress at different rates. The learning needs of most children can be met within each lesson, we expect all children to experience an appropriate level of challenge. However, if for some reason we think your child is not progressing as expected we are able to provide additional support to ensure progress is made.

If concerns about a pupil’s learning and or development continue we will discuss this with you and, with your permission, may ask for advice from external agencies.

Some children are identified as having Special Educational Needs this means they need support to achieve their best. The spectrum of Special Educational Needs is broad. Some children require support for only a short amount of time for others support is needed on a long term basis. The support we offer is logged on a provision map that is reviewed regularly.

If you have concerns about your child’s learning or development please speak to a member of staff.


Mrs Alexander is the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), she manages and co-ordinates special educational needs provision, she works with staff, parents and pupils to plan the support that is required and to provide advice.


Parents’ Consultation Meetings

There is an opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teacher each term. At these meetings you will be able to look at work, discuss progress and find out what the next learning steps for your child are.

If you have any concerns between consultation meetings please speak to the class teacher.


Annual Report

School reports are issued for all pupils in the Summer term each year. They provide a summary of progress in all subjects.


