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Linslade Lower School

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Hello and welcome to all of our Pear Class families! It has been lovely to see you all and to welcome you and your child to their Nursery learning adventure!


This week we are supporting your child with their new routines, enjoying getting to know them and learning more about their interests and their personalities.


You might start to hear your child talk about the Calm Cove, Discovery Den, or Snack Shack.  It has been great to see them exploring the resources and activities and meeting the other children in Pear Class - Well done!


This week the children have enjoyed singing; 'The Wheels on the Bus'. This is our rhyme of the week. Please sing and enjoy this rhyme together at home.


Please share a story with your child at home daily.  


Welcome Pear Class 2021

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We have been working hard to get Early Years ready for you for September, and are sure you will be excited to see the new rooms - Discovery Den, Calm Cove and Snack Shack. Remember to bring your smile on your first day as we will all be wearing ours :)

Super Potatoes! We grew our own potatoes, watered them, dug them up, cooked and ate our delicious, home made chips!

Teddy Bear's Picnic

Still image for this video

Summer Bulletin 12


We have had a lovely week with some exciting new activities – Sports Day and The Teddy Bears’ Picnic.  The children were excited and confident to participate in the different events.  Next week we will be sharing photographs of these special events with you.

The children listened and danced to; ‘The Teddy Bears’ Picnic’ song. They also listened to a variety of ‘bear’ stories, played bear themed games…and of course we all went on a bear hunt!

We hope that the children enjoy talking about this week’s learning adventure at home with you.  Please sing lots of rhymes, count and play with sounds when you are at home or out and about together!

Enjoy the sunny weekend! We hope that you manage to keep cool!

We can’t believe next week is the last week of term!

School Readiness

This is an exciting time for our older Pear Class children!

Please think about the skills that your child will need to help them when they take the next step in their learning journey. 

Summer Bulletin 11

Over the last two weeks, the children have enjoyed a ‘Seaside’ learning theme! They have had lots of fun participating in a wide variety of seaside inspired activities, at home and at school!

They enjoyed joining in with nursery rhymes such as; ‘1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive’ and dancing to many other songs.

The children counted seaside treasure and discussed positional language.

The children have played with the sounds ‘Gg’ and ‘Ff’. They decorated a green and gold ‘g’ shape and had fun creating a Rainbow Fish! They enjoyed eating frozen fruit (orange wedges) and of course ‘f’ is for football! They are getting good at listening carefully, but please reinforce the difference between ‘th’ and ‘f’, when you get the opportunity.

The children listened to stories about the seaside including; ‘What The Ladybird Heard at the Seaside’ and ‘Commotion in the Ocean’.

The children listened to; ‘The Rainbow Fish’ story and thought about our Super Learning Power – Reflection. They were encouraged to see mistakes in a positive light and how they could learn from a mistake.

We hope that you enjoy talking about this week’s learning at home with your child/children, singing rhymes together, counting and playing with sounds.  We also hope that the weather is nice, so that you can enjoy some fun in the fresh air with the family!

We are looking forward to our ‘Festivals Fun’ theme next week.

Summer Bulletin 10

The children continued to listen to and join in with stories and songs linked to transport this week. ‘The Journey’ was a wonderful story that offered the children the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and imagination. The children enjoyed reading the illustrations and suggested that the sky looked like ‘it was on fire’ and the sea looked like a ‘monster’!

They enjoyed joining in with the rhyme; ‘Row, row, row your boat’ and listening to other songs featuring water travel.

We clapped the syllables in our names.

The children played number activities to support their counting skills.

The children were introduced to the letter and sound; ‘Jj’ linked to; journey, jump and jelly.  The children enjoyed identifying ‘Jj’ in their names and in other familiar words.

The children explored collage techniques. They created some super boat pictures as well as imaginative pictures and pictures of family members.

The children have started to think about how they have grown and changed since they were babies in our ‘JIGSAW PSED’ session.

We hope that you enjoy talking about this week’s Pear class learning at home with your child/children.

We will be starting to think about the ‘Seaside’ next week.

So proud of all the home learning this week. Well done!!

Fun learning at school

Home learning Friday 2nd July

Home Learning Wednesday 30th June

Home Learning Tuesday 29th June

Home Learning Monday 28th June


Learning  Bulletin 9

The children listened to and joined in with stories and songs linked to transport this week. ‘All Aboard’ was an amusing, rhyming story that the children related to. The song ’10 Little Aeroplanes’ also appealed to the children and they enjoyed joining in. We also talked about and practised ‘reading the pictures’ in books, in response to a child saying that they were unable to read a book.

The children had opportunities to play games such as number snap and number puzzles so that they could practise matching numerals to numbers.

The children were introduced to the letter and sound; ‘Hh’ linked to; hot, hat, and happy.  Many of the children, again, were enthusiastic to point out the letter in their names and in other familiar words.

The children were really keen to participate in a special mark making activity this week.

This week we high-lighted our Super Learning Power – Resourcefulness. We shared the Aesop's fable; ‘The Fox and the Pitcher.’

During each Nursery session the children have a busy fingers’ and a busy bodies’ activity, which are enjoyable activities to help them to develop their physical skills.

We will introducing water travel next week!


Learning Bulletin 8

Pear class have started their new learning theme; ‘We’re going on a journey’.  It has been wonderful to hear about their ideas and experiences and to listen to their vocabulary as well as seeing collaborative learning!

The children looked carefully at ‘The Train Ride’ story, discussing the illustrations and joining in with the text. The children were introduced to the letter and sound; ‘Cc’ linked to; car, coach, caravan and camping.  Many of the children were quick to point out the sound in their names and in other familiar words, even detecting it in the middle and at the end of words too!

We set up a role play train station in the classroom and built models of vehicles with the large construction materials outdoors.

The children made marks with toy car wheels, dipping them into paint and then rolling the toy car over large pieces of paper, to print tracks, whilst developing their motor skills.

Toy vehicles were counted and numerals matched to the amount.

The children listened to and joined in with the action songs; ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ and ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ – linked to our ‘Calm time’ activities this week.

Next week we will thinking about air travel.


Summer 2

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to school again next week.  We have another exciting learning theme to look forward to...'We're Going on a Journey!'  We will be learning about vehicles/transport - different ways of travelling to a variety of destinations. So get ready to bring along all your ideas and interests.  There will be lots of enjoyable activities to explore! 

Happy Half Term!

We hope that you enjoy singing a variety of nursery rhymes

and sharing your favourite stories together during half term.

Summer Bulletin 7

The children enjoyed an exciting last week of their half term! They played with the sound Bb and explored a variety of activities linked to butterflies, bugs and beetles.  The children had the opportunity to practise their scissor skills, snipping and cutting out pictures of bananas and blue balloons, balls and bubbles! Stories included 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle and 'Billy's Beetle' by Mick Inkpen. The children went for a walk in the school environmental area and discovered the school pond! The froglets were returned to the pond and finally, the children said goodbye to our beautiful butterflies, which were released on Wednesday and Thursday! 


Summer Bulletin 6

This week the children’s learning was closely linked to our letter and sound of the week; ‘Ss’. So we re-read our ‘Super Learner’ story by Eric Carle; ‘The Very Busy Spider’ and used a variety of techniques to create our own very busy spiders! The children were encouraged to carefully count 8 spider’s legs.

On Friday we welcomed our first butterfly…very exciting!  Next week, we will be sharing another story by Eric Carle; ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We will be creating our very own beautiful butterflies!

The children enjoyed painting a variety of pictures, including strawberries and sweetcorn, linked to ‘Ss’.

Well done to the children who tried hard to trace or write the letters in their name.

We listened to and joined in with the games; ‘Simon says’ and ‘I spy’.  They also danced to the song; ‘Music Music’ and tapped their claves (sticks) along to the words in the song.  On Fridays the children have ‘Calm time’ when they practise ‘calm’ techniques.

This week the new Super Learning Power that the children learnt about was ‘Creativity’.  The children shared the story; ‘The Princess and the Wizard’ by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks. They had the opportunity to be creative and to explore shapes and colour.

The relentless rain is certainly helping the children’s plants to grow!

Please talk about this week’s learning at home with your child/ children.  Next week, we will be playing with the sound ‘Bb’ and of course learning about beautiful butterflies.


Summer Bulletin 5

This week the children continued to listen to stories about minibeasts. ‘Kipper’s A – Z’ by Mick Inkpen, was a great text for putting the letters of the alphabet into an interesting context, linked to ‘Kipper’s zoo’.  The children enjoyed it, especially when they were asked to design their own ‘Xugglybug!’

We now have chrysalis’! So we are waiting patiently and hope to see butterflies before half-term!

The children have created colourful caterpillar pictures and ladybird collages. Counting legs and spots was our mathematical focus!

In phonics the children played with the sound ‘Aa’. They began to point out the letter ‘Aa’ in their name or the names of their friends – and some of the older children were even choosing to write ‘a’ during their play!

We listened to and joined in with the song; ‘The ants go marching…’

This week the children were introduced our Super Learning Power; ‘Commitment’ and shared the story; ‘The Very Busy Spider’ by Eric Carle. We will be revisiting and discussing the text further next week.

Outdoors the children have been excited to see the seeds that they planted, beginning to grow!


Summer Bulletin 4

It has been a super week in Pear class! The children listened to and joined in with the wonderful story; SUPERWORM by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.  The children also enjoyed dancing to and singing the song Wiggly Woo!

Our caterpillars have grown considerably.  They are almost ready to build their chrysalis’ - which is very exciting!

The children have created wonderful collage ‘snail’ pictures inspired by Henri Matisse. They have also done lots of mark making; practising wiggly, zig-zag lines and spiral shapes. They practised their scissor skills, snipping wiggly lines!

In phonics the children played with the sound ‘Ww’. In mathematics the children threaded beads and started to use the language long and short.  They also practised one to one correspondence counting, touching each bead, as they said the next number.

Outdoors the children continue to have lots of enjoyment developing their confidence and their gross motor skills, including running, going on the wheeled toys and exploring the climbing frame.

Please talk about this week’s learning at home with your child/children.



Summer Bulletin 3

This week the children have started to think about taking care of our world.  They looked at the beautiful trees in our Early Years grounds.  They started to notice the different parts of the tree.

We now have a ‘values tree’ in the corridor outside Pear classroom.  Our value this half term is; ‘kindness’. Each child has their own named leaf and when they demonstrate the value, their leaf is put onto the ‘values tree’.

The children are excited to see that the caterpillars (we are looking after in our classroom) are growing!

The children have used techniques to print and paint trees or a tortoise this week. They have also practised scissor skills, cutting and snipping.

Pear class have listened to and joined in with stories linked to our theme as well as their interests.  Stories included; Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish, The tale of Peter Rabbit, The Fox in the Wild and The Hare and the Tortoise, a story that illustrates one of our school Super Learning Powers – Determination!

In phonics the children played with the sound ‘Tt’. In mathematics the children enjoyed exploring counting activities, including counting shells and playing with the ‘numicon’ number activity.

This week the children have enjoyed singing and listening to a variety of songs and rhymes.  You might like to sing; Mary, Mary quite contrary...together at home!

Enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend!  See you next week.


Summer Bulletin 2

It has been a lovely sunny week and the children have enjoyed playing and learning outside in sunshine!

This week the children have started to plant a variety of seed and beans.  They have been introduced to key vocabulary linked to plants; seed/bean, roots, stem/stalk, leaves, shoots, petals.  We will continue to practise this vocabulary, as we see the plants grow. The children are displaying curiosity and interest as they observe the tadpoles.

The children created and painted flowers based on daffodils. They were encouraged to count the petals.

The children have listened and joined in with stories linked to our theme as well as their interests.  We read a variety of books linked to bears and shared the story sack; ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy.

Thank you to our older Nursery children who have shown kindness in supporting our new Pear class friends, with our routines.

This week the children enjoyed the rhyme; 5 fat peas in a pea pod pressed...



Summer Bulletin 1

It has been super to see the children this week and to begin to meet our new Pear Class friends.

The children have shown confidence exploring activities indoors and outdoors and playing alongside their classmates.  We continue to support the children with school routines and expectations.

Our topic this half term is ‘Nature Friends’ we will be growing seeds, looking at flowers, trees and minibeasts.  We will also be thinking about ways in which we can look after the environment.

This week the children have been introduced to the life cycle of the frog. We had frogspawn in our outdoor tank which has now developed into tadpoles.

This week the children enjoyed the rhyme; 5 Little Speckled Frogs.


26th March

The children in Pear Class have had an exciting week! They have explored a variety of new concepts and activities.  They have started to think about Easter preparations and celebrations.  Some of the children have participated in a variety of Easter arts and crafts, been on an Easter egg hunt, helped to make and eat chocolate nests, tried a hot cross bun, created an Easter hat and made an Easter card for their family. The marble run appealed to a lot of the children and many were keen to take a look at the frogspawn outdoors.  We hope that you all have a lovely Easter holiday.

Excellent Easter Eggs!

19th March 2021

We have had an enjoyable week thinking about our own 'Superhero' qualities.  The children started to think about their super senses and a variety of different emotions. They thought about what their hands can do and what they think they are good at.  Role play in our very own Pear Class Supermarket was very popular and the children were able to engage in a wide variety of learning opportunities that it offered.  We listened to and joined in with the song; 'Sing a Rainbow' and the stories that we listened to this week inspired lots of interesting art skills, techniques and ideas. Next week there will be much Easter excitement at school!  Enjoy your weekend.

Learning Bulletin 12th March

We are very pleased to be welcoming back our Pear Class home learners! We are looking forward to learning together again, back at school! 

Learning Bulletin 5th March

World Book Day celebrations

We are celebrating World Book Day on Thursday by suggesting a book themed activity everyday this week! There are lots of great ideas on The World Book Day website. There are recommended links to take a look at in this week's planning. ENJOY!


Learning Bulletin 26th February

Welcome back to all our Nursery families.

We are looking forward to our new topic this half term;

Our Local Superheroes! 

We hope you enjoy the activities that we have planned.

Learning Bulletin 12th Feb 2021

Achieving Goals!


Painting Pallets

Jack and Beanstalk

Why not try baking these delicious 'Bear biscuits' with your grown-up at home... 


These are our rolled oat cookies:

8oz self raising flour

8oz sugar (although you could use less!)

8oz melted margarine

8oz oats

2tbsp honey 

2tsp bicarbonate of soda

Pinch of salt 

All combined in a large bowl then rolled into balls, space well apart on lined baking trays and bake for 10 mins at 180°C.

Also nice with added raisins (if you're reducing sugar) or nuts or topped with sesame seeds.


They are very moreish, Goldilocks would certainly have polished off the lot! 



Learning Bulletin 6th February 2021

Next week we will be thinking about the story; Jack and the Beanstalk.  In the meantime, you might like to collect some twigs, or roll up strips of paper and create a feelings tree. 
This week our traditional tale is 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. Next week, our story is 'Jack and the Beanstalk', so you might like to get some seeds or beans, fruit and vegetables in preparation. There is also the 'Little Red Riding Hood' show to look forward to!  We hope that you have a good week.

Learning Bulletin 29th January

Three Little Pigs

PhonicsPlay have kindly offered teachers and families access to their online phonics learning resources.  If you wish to take a look at this at home, click on; Resources - phase 1.  Your Nursery child might enjoy exploring these phonics activities and games with you at home!

Next week, our story focus is; Goldilocks and the Three Bears...You might like to get some porridge oats in preparation!



Inquisitive Thinking and Learning

We would like to share some of the Nursery Children's excellent questions...

'How is ice made?'

'How do batteries work?'

Learning Bulletin 22nd January 2021

Little Red Riding Hood

 Happy Home Learning!


Well done to Pear class children who joined our first Zoom lessons this week, at home.

You were amazing!

Thank you for listening so well and joining in. I could see that you were really engaged and joining in with lots of learning.

It was great to see you...I really enjoyed teaching you.

I'm looking forward to our Zoom lessons next week;

Wednesday at 2.30pm and Thursday at 10.30am. 

See you soon, Mrs Allen

Learning Bulletin 15th January 2021

Who's that trip trapping over my bridge?

Here is Tuesday's learning link...

Here is Wednesday's learning link...

if it doesn't work on the weekly plan

You might like to bake your own gingerbread men at home together. There are lots of gingerbread recipes to choose from on the BBC Good Food website. Have fun and enjoy!

Learning Bulletin 8th Jan

Run, run, as fast as you can...

Play & Learn

Home Learning - The Gingerbread Man

Have fun singing and acting out this 'fun favourite' at home together!

January 2021

We would like to say a big hello to all our families and welcome you back to school as best we can. Even though things are different at the moment for us all, we will work hard to make sure that you still have lots of exciting learning opportunities available. Early Years learning is fascinating and can take place during everyday experiences.  Conversation, sharing stories, playing games, cooking together, helping with simple jobs, asking questions and sharing ideas, counting and identifying shapes of objects, art, crafts and model making, singing songs and rhymes are just a few examples.


This half term the Nursery topic is 'Traditional Tales' based on the children's interests last term! Each week there will be a variety of learning suggestions linked to a chosen story.  We hope that you enjoy them.



Last half term our 'Wow' was to take off our our coat independently and hang it on our peg and to put our coat on independently. Well done to all of the children who tried hard to achieve this challenge!



Please put on on (do up) and take off your shoes independently!

The children have had an exciting week with lots of Christmas celebrations!  These have included watching an online Pantomime, a Christmas party and receiving a gift from Santa for the class, as well as individual gifts to take home.  The children have had some extra treats...including hot chocolate. They have enjoyed listening to the stories; 'Stick Man' and 'The Gruffalo's Child' by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.  Some of the children found 'Stick Man' outside in our Early Years garden! The children were also introduced to Pooh Bear/Winnie the Pooh, so that they could learn about the fun, family game 'Pooh sticks'.


We are so proud of all of the children's learning this term, their imagination and enthusiasm.


We would like to say a big thank you for the thoughtful and generous gifts that we have received from the children and their families.


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!  See you next term everyone! From The Early Years Team

Early Year's Christmas Party!

Dear Pear Class, you are all invited to come to our Christmas party

on Tuesday 15th December 2020.

You are welcome to come to school in your party clothes.

(Please ensure that clothing and footwear are suitable for outdoor play too.)

If your child doesn't usually attend school on Tuesday afternoon,

they may arrive at their usual entrance at 1.30,

where Mrs Allen will welcome them and they can be collected at 3.30pm.

 Thank you.




Hello, my name is Sonny the Sloth. Can you guess when my birthday is?

Thank you for visiting Pear Class Virtual Christmas Fair 

Please guess when Sonny the Sloth's birthday is, for example 5th September.

Each guess costs £1.00.

The money raised will go to the PTA.

If there are more than one winner, the winner's name will be chosen from a hat.

Have fun and good luck!

The children have watched the Cbeebies Nativity sand drawings.  You might enjoy watching and talking about this together at home.

Learning Bulletin 4.12.20

Christmas Cards...If your child would like to, they may bring in one Christmas card, for the whole class, to be displayed in the classroom.  This would be a great opportunity for them to 'write' their own Christmas card greeting.   The children will enjoy mark making (writing) and they will be able to 'read' their message to their friends. (We won't be handing out class lists with first names on.)

Jigsaw Jenie and Jerry Cat

Christmas Song!

Learning Bulletin 20.11.20

Counting keys

Protecting Pets

Marvellous mark making