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Linslade Lower School

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Matthew Foulis is the Chair of Governors.

Father Bernard Minton is the Vice Chair of Governors.

Stephen Harrison is the Chair of the Finance Committee.

Rebecca Law is the Clerk to the Governors.


There are no governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses,
partners, and close relatives)


Attendance at meetings this academic year-

Eileen Alexander (EA) Staff Governor /Assistant headteacher/ SENCO ✓ 4/6

Hazel Farlam (HF) Ex Officio/Headteacher ✓ 4/6

Gordon Fisher Parent governor ✓ 2/4

Matthew Foulis (MF) Co-opted Governor ✓ 4/6

Stephen Harrison (SH) Co-opted Governor ✓ 4/6

Alison Holmes (AH) Parent Governor ✓ 4/6

Bernard Minton (BM) Co-opted Governor ✓ 3/6

William Morello Co-opted Governor ✓ 1/4

Carl Pope (CP) Parent Governor ✓ 4/6

Piers Treacher Co-opted Governor ✓ 2/4

Laura Woolhead LA Governor ✓ 2/4

Rebecca Law (RL) Clerk ✓ 4/6

Governor Survey to Parents Feedback
