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Spring Term Spelling Groups and Spelling Homework Expectations Explained

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a restful Christmas break. The children have come back enthusiastically with lots to talk about! We've enjoyed a good first few days back with the children settling back to school life quickly.


This term Cherry class will be supported by Miss Thomas, a second year student who will be working alongside myself over the next 10 weeks. 


Please find below this term's timetable - there's a slight change to our PE day- forest school dates and the curriculum overview for the year.


Kind regards, 


Mr Hogg


Year 3 Timetable Spring Term

Spring Term Forest School Timetable

Year 3 French Curriculum Overview

As part of our RE topic - The deeper meaning of festivals - Cherry class talked about the deeper meanings of Diwali. We discussed the themes; Good over Evil, Knowledge over Ignorance and Light over Darkness. We then considered how we could each bring a little light into the world and recorded them onto strips of paper. We used these to create our Cherry Class candle.

As part of our topic on fables, the children performed a familiar fable to their classmates.

The children enjoyed taking part in a variety of activities that promoted the use of their Super 6 Learning Powers.

Spelling Groups Explained

Group A children - These children should practise 5 of their YEAR 1 orange words each week -  these words are also on Ed Shed for them to practise. 


Group B children - these children should practise 5 of their orange words (Year 1 or 2) each week. The year 2 words are also on Ed Shed for them to practise. These children will also need to practise the first 6 words from any 'focus words' lists sent home. They will be tested on these 6 words on a  Monday. 


Group C children - these children will have 5 words each week to practise from the year 3/ 4 common exception word list. I will post them on the homework bulletins from now on. The first 20 year 3 / 4 words are also on Ed Shed for them to practise. These children also need to practise the 12 words from any 'focus words' lists sent home. They will be tested on these words on a  Monday. Some children have a few orange words left to learn too - please find time to go over these orange words across the term - but the children will also get to practise them once a week in school.  


Group A will be assessed on their year 1 words at the end of the term (December).

Group B will be assessed on their year 2 words at the end of the term. (December)

Group C will be assessed on their year 3/ 4 words at the end of the term (December)

Meet the Teacher Presentation

Welcome to Year 3

Hello, and welcome to the year 3 class page. We've had a busy first few days back and I have been thoroughly impressed with how well the class have settled and with the maturity of their behaviour and contributions so early after the summer break.


This week we have mainly focused on establishing expectations and routines. We've distributed classroom responsibilities and worked together to generate our class rules linked to the UN convention on the rights of the child. Next week we will start our usual timetable.


Please check this class page for photos to see what the children have been getting up to in class. 


Below you will find our class timetable so that you can be aware of what the children are getting up to each day - so when they respond 'I can't remember' when asked at the dinner table, you will be able to jog their memory!   I have also included our curriculum overview for the year to give you an insight into what will be coming up as we move through year 3. At the bottom you will find the KS2 forest school timetable for the autumn term.  


Please remember you can contact me on should you have anything you wish to let me know or discuss with me, and I will try to respond at my earliest convenience. 


Kind regards,

Mr Hogg

Cherry Class Time Table

Forest School Dates - Cherry Class
