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Linslade Lower School

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Oak Class Castles Day

We had a wonderful day learning about life in a Medieval Castle.  The children spent the morning learning some of the crafts that would have been done in Medieval times including soap making, writing with a quill pen using home made ink, creating a gargoyle, making a cresset lamp, twisting a wool bracelet, making pies for the castle larder, embossing leather and making a purse.  They also had the opportunity to learn sword skills and how to defend the castle.  In the afternoon, they all practised and performed entertainment and enjoyed food and drink together in a celebratory banquet. We hope you enjoy looking through the photographs!

Welcome Back!! Spring Term 2025!!


Happy New Year! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed a break. 

Below you will find some information and reminders for the new term including the curriculum overview of what the children will be learning about this term and forest school dates.


  •  PE is on Wednesday afternoons - PE kits are kept in school and children come to school in school uniform.

- Make sure all items of clothing are named.

- Make sure long hair is tied up

- Earrings are removed or covered with tape.

  • Forest School is on alternate Mondays

- Forest school starts Monday 13th January

- Make sure all items are named.

  • Library is on Fridays 

- Children keep their book for a week and a half and returned on Wednesdays.

Forest School Spring Term 2025

Year 1 Tricky words

Preparing vegetables for our pumpkin soup!

Thank you for coming to our parents phonics presentation. Here are the slides as promised.

Toys from the Past

In History we have been thinking about how we learn from the past. We have explored how we can collect historical evidence about toys in the past. We have done this by talking with relatives about toys they used to play with, looking in books and watching clips about what life was like in the past, explored artefacts and replica old toys and observed an old painting in detail.

The children really enjoyed exploring and playing with some old toys from the past.  

Water fun in Early Years!

The children loved the opportunity to explore the water play equipment in Early Years!

Welcome to Oak Class!

Our Autumn Term Timetable

Meet the Teachers presentation
